1.1 The British Photographic Assignment (hereafter The Assignment) is operated and managed by The Photography Awards Ltd (10115882), operating as The British Photography Awards (hereafter Admin). All decisions involving the process are made by Admin staff and all rights to the BPA brand are retained. Those submitting work are hereafter referred to as the Entrant.
1.2 All entries to The Assignment must be made through the Admin website (www.britishphotographyawads.org) and submitted conforming to the terms as laid out here.
1.3 Any submissions that do not conform to these rules may be discounted by Admin with no further notice given.
1.4 Submissions must be received, complete and in full by the deadline of January 31st 2021 at 23:30. Any update to the deadline will be published here in the first instance.
1.5 All submissions must be made by registering a free account on the above website.
2.1 Submissions must take the form of between 5 (five) and 15 (fifteen) images with an accompanying text of an advised 400 word maximum.
2.2 Links to other project work may be included in the text.
2.3 Captions should be added to each image, describing their importance. These captions do not count towards the total word tally of the piece.
2.4 One submission is permitted per BPA account holder each year of The Assignment.
2.5 Each submission can be dedicated to a charity/association or entity at the entrant's discretion. This dedication can be to anyone from the NHS to individual workers, family members or other. Dedications should be added in the relevant box, along with any social tags or web links.
3.1 Due to the nature of this year's Assignment, all photographers who take part in this Assignment must conform to governmental guidelines, advice and restrictions as laid out by their local country or state
.3.2 Where there are travel bans or restrictions in place, The Assignment should NOT be taken as a reason for violating these in accordance with 3.1 of these terms.
3.3 Governmental and health association rules should be followed at all times and supersede those laid out here. In the unlikely event of a perceived conflict, you should not endanger yourself, or others and contributors are expected to conform to local, national and international laws.
3.4 No liability is accepted by Admin in the event of injury, loss or destruction of property in pursuit of The Assignment.
3.5 If Press Credentials grant(ed) a waiving of these restrictions (travel, access, work or gatherings etc.) - as is the case in certain UK situations, please include details of this in your entry.
4.1 All images must be in the sole and exclusive ownership of the Entrant and must not infringe on the copyright of any other party.
4.2 The copyright in respect of each Image will remain with the copyright owner before and after submission to the Competition and will not be transferred to the Admin or BPA.
4.3 The owner of the copyright will be credited in any instance of publication on Admin channels and requested by press and media using their name as provided by that Entrant in their submission.
4.4 The Admin may add to the credit text a web pathway or ‘hyperlink’ for the photographic website of the copyright owner, social media profiles and text. Such web pathways or hyperlinks will be the same as those entered on the Entry submission and the Admin is under no obligation to update such information at any time. It is the responsibility of the Entrant to inform the Admin of an updated web pathway or hyperlink.
4.5 The owner of the copyright agrees to grant the Admin a non-exclusive Licence (the "Licence") to reproduce, publish, transmit and exhibit the copyright owner’s Images upon entering the Competition.
4.6 Subject to section 4.7 of these Terms and Conditions, the Licence applies only to instances that directly or indirectly involve The Assignment, including, but not limited to, displaying of the photographs at public events, usage by the Admin on the BPA website, for publicity, in email transmission, in print media and Admin operated social media.
4.7 The Licence will also extend to instances where the Admin requires the transmission of copyrighted material for the printing of publicity posters, banners or leaflets and guides as well as associated publicity. Admin’s transmission to the national press is also granted under this Licence.
4.8 Unless specified above, no merchandising will be undertaken by the Admin without seeking separate agreement from the Entrant.
4.9 the Entrant gives permission for the Admin to send the copyright owner’s Entry (image files, text, dedication and captions) to national & international press outlets under this Licence.
4.10 In cases of inadvertent unaccredited disclosure to the public of any material the Admin can take no responsibility. The Admin will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Licence is not breached by accidental disclosure of Images to the public.
5.1 All Entries must be submitted in digital JPEG format and can be of any size, larger than 1920 pixels at the longest dimension (higher resolution preferred).
5.2 It is the responsibility of the Entrant to ensure that each Entry meets with the requirements this section 5 of the BPA Terms and Conditions by saving the files with no watermarks, stencils, borders or signatures on the Image files themselves.
5.3 Failure to adhere to this section 5 of the BPA Terms and Conditions may lead to immediate removal of the infringing Entries with no further notice or reasoning given.
5.4 After the submissions process, Entrants may be required to submit the RAW camera file (or original film negatives, untouched JPEGS or transparency). Accepted RAW data (.CR2, .ORF, .NEF, PEF etc) DNG files are now permitted (even if it is not the native format of the camera and it was essential for editing). The file will not be circulated to any inpidual other than an Admin. Submission of the RAW data in accordance with this section 5.4 is to ensure ethical standards are maintained and not only where evidence of misrepresentation of reality or an attempt to disguise unethical behaviour is suspected.
5.5 After the submission process has concluded, high-resolution files may be requested of those Entrants who have been selected by the Admin.
5.6 Entrants are requested not to upscale their Images before submitting them to the Assignment.
5.7 Images that cannot be authenticated, or are not of acceptable quality (as determined by the Admin in its sole discretion) may be disqualified from the Assignment by the Admin.
5.8 Images entered into The Assignment do not have to have been taken in the current Assignment competition dates.
6.1 Save as otherwise permitted in these Assignment Terms and Conditions, image manipulation of digital files that include, HDR, focus stacking, cropping, noise reduction, dodging, burning, dust spot removal, sharpening, contrast, tone, and multiple exposure layering (provided that the Images were all taken in the same session in the same location) are permitted. This list is exhaustive.
6.2 Except for the removal of dust spots in accordance with section 6.1, Images submitted to the Competition must not distort reality and may not have any items or objects, or parts of objects added or removed from the main Image.
6.3 Image-wide contrast and brightness adjustments, saturation, exposure lens profiling and colour temperature tweaking are exempt from necessary mention in the caption submission and should be considered as commonplace tweaking, and are permitted.
6.4 All EXIF data should be kept intact on the files submitted where possible.
6.5 All Images that the Admin suspects or determines (in its sole discretion) to have been tampered with, falsified or are found to be illegal or in breach of this section 6 or the BPA Terms and Conditions generally, may be disqualified from the Assignment in accordance with these Assignment Terms and Conditions.
6.6 All Images must be free from the addition of false or unrelated data that does not originate from the original photograph.
6.7 All Images must be a complete record of all that was in the Image at the time it was taken (with the exception of dust spot removal as permitted by section 6.1). This pertains to, without limitation, the removal of people, animals, items, litter objects or parts of objects.
6.8 Panoramic stitching is permitted but must be referred to in the Caption submission if it is used.
7.1 Each submission to the annual Assignment will be received by Admin staff and considered on an inpidual basis.
7.2 No overall winner will be selected in line with Admin's objective Assignment views.
7.3 The most popular submissions, as shared publicly will be honoured alongside their photographers, and displayed alongside others. These honours include invitations to The British Photography Awards on 17th February 2021 at The Dorchester, Park Lane.
7.4 Further honours will be granted to a selection of others, depending on volume of entrants and opportunities for display. This will include sharing on social media, featuring on the Admin website and potential public display opportunities.